Michael Jackson ha muerto

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Registrado: Lun Ene 26, 2009 3:47 am
Ubicación: Santiago, Chile.

Michael Jackson ha muerto

Mensaje sin leer por cesarmilton »

No puedo dejar de comentar esta noticia. Más allá de sus extravagancias, acusaciones de pedofilia, cambios de color de piel y demases, no es menos cierto que nos deja un tremendo legado de buenas canciones, el que honraré cuando las baile.
Nuestros antepasados, los creyentes - SWAMI -
Las religiones son muletas para gente sana, a la que le han hecho creer que es coja - pablov63 -

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Participante veterano
Mensajes: 1056
Registrado: Lun Ene 26, 2009 3:47 am
Ubicación: Santiago, Chile.

Re: Michael Jackson ha muerto

Mensaje sin leer por cesarmilton »

Ahora bien, como el tema de la muerte es pertinente, posteo una conversación que acabo de tener en http://omegle.com/. Esta página tiene la particularidad de que es un chat bipersonal, donde no tienes forma de saber con quién estás hablando. No puedes usar nicknames: tú eres "You" y tu interlocutor es "Stranger". Al final de la conversación, él revela su credo. Advertencia: es una laaaaargaaa conversación.
2619 users onlineConnecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi im a guy 21 american
You: Hi
You: so sad, MJ pass away
You: : (

Stranger: yea
Stranger: it sucks
Stranger: that we have all die one day
You: right
Stranger: man i wish we were all 18
Stranger: and never die
You: enjoy this life, there is no other
Stranger: yes there is
Stranger: this life is temp
You: this is the only life that we have
Stranger: look before u no it ur gone just like kicheal
Stranger: nope
Stranger: u really think this is it
Stranger: it cant be
Stranger: it would be so pointless
You: the eternal life is pointless
You: that's is just tales

Stranger: nope thats what they want u to think
You: they? who?
Stranger: the theory of evolution was created
Stranger: because of the fact to get rid of religion
Stranger: with out really doing it
You: get rid of religion? why? religion is get rid off by itself... and it is doing a great work about it
Stranger: nope the satanist
Stranger: that are against god
You: satanist? more tales, my friend
Stranger: they want to call there self gods like pagans
Stranger: why do u think there doing all these experments just to prove the big bang theory
Stranger: think about it were not animmals
You: i don't care about the big bang theory more than I care about enjoy my life
Stranger: we have a brain that tells us from right and wrong
Stranger: we make decisions every day
You: exactly
You: and I choose live THIS life

Stranger: see ur weak
Stranger: u cant resist
Stranger: u have to give in to the materialistic things in this artificial life
You: resist what? there is no evidence that other life is real
You: so if you want to belive it, be my guess

Stranger: exactly that proves that this galaxy was created for us
Stranger: this whole universe was because of us
Stranger: y
Stranger: u ever ? that
You: what? the galaxy created for us? by who? God?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: god is not jesus
You: or Zeus? o maybe Thor?
Stranger: he isnt a man
You: more tales, my friend
Stranger: hes something are brain cant even comprehend
Stranger: no can u tell me the purpose of this life than
You: this life hasn't a purpose... but I give a purpose to MY LIFE
You: get it?

Stranger: what purpose do u give
Stranger: ?
Stranger: eat sleep
Stranger: work
Stranger: have sex
Stranger: but still ur not happy
Stranger: because ur nothing ur soul purpose
Stranger: is for worshipp
You: enjoy myself with MJ music, for example... or talking with my friends... or having sex, you name it!!
Stranger: yea but ur never satisfied
Stranger: no matter how many times u drink
You: how can you be sure of that?
Stranger: or do what ever
Stranger: u do the same thing intell u die
Stranger: well im pretty sure
Stranger: see
You: but you don't even know me!!
Stranger: dont take my word but talk to ur self
Stranger: im no body
Stranger: exactly
Stranger: do u even no urself
You: no, you are some one
Stranger: were all lost
You: you maybe, but I don't
Stranger: how hard do every one try to fit in
Stranger: we all follow one another
Stranger: think to ur self
Stranger: question ur self
Stranger: u really think to whole life is for enjoyment
Stranger: the main reason is to worshipp
You: I made question about 20 years ago... the answer? there is no God, no other life, only here and now
Stranger: see prove it
Stranger: to me
Stranger: confince me
Stranger: convince me
Stranger: c i can convince u
Stranger: but how can u convince me?
You: I don't to prove things that doesn't exist: you have to prove to me that God or other life exist
Stranger: ok
Stranger: look around
Stranger: question y were even here
Stranger: can u even thing of the posiblities of u exsisting
Stranger: look around
Stranger: ur emotions feelings
Stranger: just life
Stranger: sadness happiness
Stranger: its all a miracle
You: posibilities are meaninless: I'm real
You: period

Stranger: so u belive ur here cause of luck
Stranger: ?
Stranger: whats the possiblities of that happing
You: there is no luck, my friend
Stranger: man u are a lost cause
Stranger: very confuse i sense
Stranger: im sorry
Stranger: but u are
Stranger: u have no answers
You: no: you think you have answers, but you have just questions
Stranger: no i dont u think u no it all but u dont even no anything of course i ?
You: say "I don't know" is acceptable
Stranger: that helps me understand life more
Stranger: and u just cover it up
Stranger: by saying ur going just live life and enjoy it
Stranger: but seriously think about it
You: because there is no evidence that other life is real... if you want to believe it, ok, it is your choice; not my
Stranger: what u mean of other life
Stranger: u mean a different demension
You: life after death... there is no prove of it
Stranger: like aliens
Stranger: how are u going to prove something that is out of this littile world we live in
Stranger: ok
Stranger: i was listing to the radio
Stranger: here me out
Stranger: ok
You: ok
Stranger: i was listening to the radio and scientist were puzzeled
Stranger: becasuse they couldnt explain
Stranger: when people go to cardiac arsset
Stranger: however u spell it
Stranger: there brain shuts down
Stranger: and scientest explain the soul
Stranger: by saying
Stranger: that its ur brain
Stranger: so when u go in to cardiac arrest
Stranger: ur brain shuts down
Stranger: but different people that were atheist
Stranger: had experinces
Stranger: saying they saw a light
Stranger: and they saw dead relatives
Stranger: and than the scientist
Stranger: said how does that happen
Stranger: if ur brain is shutdown
Stranger: because they explain ur soul threw ur brain
Stranger: but if ur brain isnt working how can u explain these things they were experincuing
Stranger: ?
You: ok, let me talk about it
Stranger: kk
You: the fact is that people hasn't prove of what the say, view their relatives
You: so no prove means I can have dude about it
You: when a scientist cant's find an answers, he look for it
You: religions presume they have all the answers... without any prove

Stranger: old on heres another ?
Stranger: when ur dreaming for a example
You: good example
Stranger: sometimes u dont even no ur dreaming
Stranger: u think its reality
You: right
Stranger: intell u wake up
Stranger: lets say u die
Stranger: and thats what happens but ur stuck
You: but when you wake up, then you know is was a dream
Stranger: there we go lol
You: correct
Stranger: but lets say when u die
You: ok
Stranger: and the same thing happens
Stranger: but u never wake up
Stranger: is it not real
Stranger: do u not feel its real in the dream
You: how can we, the living ones, know about it?
Stranger: but the only time u no ur dreaming is when u wake up
You: thats the question
Stranger: what is realty
Stranger: what is resticting are souls
Stranger: its are body
You: if a dead one person comes to us and give us prove of life after this one, I chance my mind, seriously
Stranger: see
Stranger: can u see wind
Stranger: ?
You: but in all the human history, there is no prove of it... enough time, don't you think?
Stranger: well the time is close
Stranger: are u m/f
You: so I say "this life is unique, I'm going to enjoy it the best I can"
You: male
Stranger: ?
You: you?
Stranger: ?
Stranger: ?
Stranger: ?
Stranger: ?
You: ok, nice to talk to you
You: I'm male
You: : )

Stranger: kk sorry
Stranger: bye
Stranger: im muslim btw
You: I'm atheits
Stranger: those bye
You: really, nice to tlak with you
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
No lo hice mal ¿cierto?. Saludos.
Nuestros antepasados, los creyentes - SWAMI -
Las religiones son muletas para gente sana, a la que le han hecho creer que es coja - pablov63 -

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Registrado: Jue May 07, 2009 5:47 am
Ubicación: Concepción, Chile

Re: Michael Jackson ha muerto

Mensaje sin leer por unwncualquiera »

Tengo que practicar mi ingles, esta bastante deficiente, me costo traducir el texto, por lo demás me parece lamentable la perdida del artista, a pesar de todas las acusaciones en su contra, era un gran cantante y fue uno de los artista que marco mi infancia ( nada mas allá de la musica señores XD).
no conozco a nadie que conozca la verdad, por eso vivo libre

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Registrado: Dom Ene 11, 2009 2:41 am

Re: Michael Jackson ha muerto

Mensaje sin leer por Niko »

el inglés de arriba es muy sencillo y coloquial, no creo que le resulte a nadie un problema leerlo. en qué chat hablaste?
"No existe fundamento alguno para la suposición de que el hombre llegó a existir mediante un lento proceso evolutivo..."

—Elena G. de White

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Participante veterano
Mensajes: 1056
Registrado: Lun Ene 26, 2009 3:47 am
Ubicación: Santiago, Chile.

Re: Michael Jackson ha muerto

Mensaje sin leer por cesarmilton »

Mi inglés es elemental, la conversación que tuve me representó cierta dificultad. El chat donde conversé es http://omegle.com/.
Nuestros antepasados, los creyentes - SWAMI -
Las religiones son muletas para gente sana, a la que le han hecho creer que es coja - pablov63 -
